Thank you for visiting our website. The Forward Christian Center is a spirit filled, unconventional and diverse church where the five-fold ministry gifts are in full operation. We are a teaching and training center that focuses on the development of the whole man, the Soul/Spirit, Mind, Body, Family and Finances. Our goal is to empower all people through sound biblical principles in a fresh and practical way. We use the word of God to pull out the best gifts in God’s people and help them move into their God ordained purpose. We equip God’s men, women and children for ministry in order to saturate this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also want to be looked upon as, “Jacksonville’s Church.” We will use our resources for outreach, giving and continual support and become a pillar in our community.
Grace Based Giving
Thank you for sowing into the Forward Christian Center, your contributions are appreciated and necessary to continue getting the gospel of Jesus Christ to this world! God bless you and may God’s grace, favor and prosperity rest on you today and always!
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.